
I’m new to drawing, so why showcase my artwork here, especially when it might seem unrelated to enterprise IT? First, I’m intrigued by the left-brain/right-brain theory. Left-brained individuals are often considered more logical and analytical but less creative than their right-brained counterparts. Based on my professional experience and years of observation, there seems to be some truth to this concept. I wonder if exploring art could help me nurture my creativity.

Second, IT management is as much an art as it is a science. A significant part of it involves problem-solving and working with people, processes, and systems. For instance, purely technical solutions can’t effectively address challenges like information silos, email scams, or fragmented processes. The best solutions often require creativity—encouraging IT professionals to “flex” their right-brain muscles and embrace new ways of thinking at the intersection of art and science.

I have been learning to draw and paint using various media, including charcoal, Chinese ink, pastel, pencil, and watercolor, through several art centers and schools. My subjects range from animals, birds, flowers, fruit plants and human figures to landscapes, portraits and waterscapes. Below, I’ve featured some of my assignments and completed works from these classes.

Happy browsing!

Instagram: hor.tommy